The Chef creates divine combinations

The Chef creates divine combinations


We love restaurants as much as you do. That’s why we’ve been helping them fill tables since 1999. Welcome to elixir restaurant

The History

The History of Kitchens and Cooks gives further intimation on Mr Boulanger usual menu, stating confidently that „Boulanger served salted poultry and fresh eggs, all presented without a tablecloth on small marble tables“. Numerous commentators have also referred to the supposed restaurant owner’s eccentric habit of touting for custom outside his establishment, dressed in aristocratic fashion and brandishing a sword

According to Miss Spang, there is not a shred of evidence for any of it. She said: These legends just get passed on by hearsay and then spiral out of control. Her interest in Boulanger dates back to a history of food seminar in Paris in the mid-1990s

The History of Kitchens and Cooks gives further intimation on Mr Boulanger usual menu, stating confidently that „Boulanger served salted poultry and fresh eggs, all presented without a tablecloth on small marble tables“. Numerous commentators have also referred to the supposed restaurant owner’s eccentric habit of touting for custom outside his establishment, dressed in aristocratic fashion and brandishing a sword

According to Miss Spang, there is not a shred of evidence for any of it. She said: These legends just get passed on by hearsay and then spiral out of control. Her interest in Boulanger dates back to a history of food seminar in Paris in the mid-1990s

Opening hours

Call For Reservations
Sunday to Tuesday
Friday and Saturday



W325 State Road 123 Mondovi, WI (Wisconsin) 98746-54321
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